E Waste Management

Discarded electrical appliances or electronic devices make up a major part of electronic waste. A very small portion of it comprises of expired electrical equipments. Like any other form of waste this waste also need to be properly processed. Informal e-waste processing leads to adverse human health effects and critical environmental pollution. India is among the top 5 countries that contribute to e-waste generation, only 5% of which gets recycled compliant with the regulations favoring our environment. 80% of electronic waste in the country comes from the home appliances, thanks to the ever growing technology wave we are in. E-waste is the commonly given name to end-of-life Electrical and Electronic products such as Televisions, Mobile Phones, LCD/LED screens, Computers, Laptops, Communication Devices, Air Conditioners etc.

Electronics is the fastest growing industry in the world. Last decade itself saw the industry scale high growth numbers. Further, rapid technological advancements in the sector clubbed with high disposable incomes of the growing class of consumers have led to quicker obsolescence of gadgets and devices. With 18 lakh metric tonnes per year, India is emerging as one of the largest producers of E-waste in the world. It is estimated that by 2020, India will be generating close to 52 lakh metric tonnes. The challenge is that merely 5% of this total E-waste is getting recycled/reused 95% is getting routed to the unorganized sector. The problem is compounded by the fact that E-waste contains hazardous and toxic elements such as mercury, cadmium, lead, BFR etc. PRECIOUS METAL RECOVERY (PMR)