Data Security

Digitization across industries, frequent upgrading of electronics and quick share ability of media has made data security more sensitive and vulnerable. There’s always a chance of a company’s electronic equipment containing:

  • Confidential Data
  • Personal Information
  • Financial Records
  • Employee Records
  • Copyrighted Information.

Such devices pertaining to any organization or individual, if not formatted properly and dumped irresponsibly can fall into wrong hands, causing legal troubles. This makes e-waste and data security inseparable, ensuring that e-waste is not only treated properly to save the environment
Ewour is built over several years of trust and relationship with consumers. Data collected over several engagement programs and at various points in the journey of developing an affinity to its loyal customers become a critical aspect of any business. However, the same data is exposed to high risk in the technology-driven, data-rich world. Signifying the importance of data security and management of brand value, avoiding any data breach
Ewour understands the value of information and data security, hence offers full-proof and top-of-the-line data sanitization & data destruction services of the unwanted and obsolete electronic equipment and related waste. So, whether it is hardware or software, data destruction is carried out depending on the media and recycling contractual obligations under the following process:

  • Data Wiping : Using globally acclaimed erasure software from Blancco and Tabernus, we also use our in-house software, developed in detail by our team of data experts ensuring that data is overwritten and is irrecoverable from the device and the system. It is a cost-effective solution for the company to get rid of undesired data without investing or spending on additional electronics and their parts.
  • Degaussing : It is the process of erasing data from magnetic media such as hard disks, floppy disks, magnetic tapes or cassettes by reversing the magnetic field. In this process, the data on the magnetic media gets scrambled using degaussing machines, i.e. demagnetized, making it no longer reusable.
  • Physical Destruction : To further make any information unreadable, total physical destruction of the electronic media is carried out by puncturing and drilling the hard drive, ensuring that data from it is completely irrecoverable.

Having gone through the above procedures of data sanitization and destruction, can the decommissioned asset be sent further for diagnostics and testing, followed by disposal through recycling.

Guaranteeing your data is safely dealt with, Ewour extends not just 360-degree disposal of electronic data and assets, but also offers total transparency regarding our process. With our enhanced services you can track the destruction of their assets at various stages, right from pick up of their electronic to the final disposal of the equipment. At the end of the process, we provide you with a Certificate of Destruction that provides valid proof of legislative compliance, protection and unsurpassed services offered, so your confidential data remains confidential.

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