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E-waste’ means electrical and electronic equipment, whole or in part discarded as waste by the consumer or bulk consumer as well as rejects from manufacturing, refurbishment and repair processes.
The total generation of e-waste in India in 2016 was to the tune of 18 lakh metric tonnes by some estimates. It is likely to reach 52 lakh metrics tonnes by 2020 growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of about 30%
According to UN studies, in 2016, 44.7 million metric tonnes of e-waste were generated, in which 40.7% of world e-waste was generated in Asia.
Yes, E-waste is hazardous in nature due to the presence of toxic substances in the product.
The hazardous constituents in e-waste are heavy metals like lead, cadmium and mercury, polychlorinated-bi-phenyl (PCB), brominated flame retardants (BFRs) and chromium (VI).
E-waste can be hazardous, when it is disposed and treated in environmentally unsound manner. Direct contact of the harmful materials such as lead, cadmium, chromium, brominated flame retardants or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and exposure to toxic fumes may cause serious health hazards. Furthermore, recycling activities such as dismantling of electrical equipment without the use of Personal Protective Equipment as specified by the E-waste Management rules, 2016 may potentially bear an increased risk of injury.
Consumers of electrical and electronic equipment listed in Schedule I shall ensure that e-waste generated by them is channelized through collection centre or dealer of authorised producer or dismantler or recycler or through the designated take back service provider of the producer to authorised dismantler or recycler.
Give your e-waste to the nearest authorised e-waste collection centres/recyclers Call to the producer/ manufacturers for e-waste collection Participate in Producers’ e-waste take-back programme Contact to the dealer for e-waste collection Participate in E-waste Awareness programme of MeitY for more information